Vietnam Da Nang Shopping List: Lottemart, Bubu Shop, Madame Hong…

Vietnam Da Nang Shopping List: Lottemart, Bubu Shop, Madame Hong

To be honest. I’m a bit bored of Da Nang, Vietnam.

Well… I go out to eat, shop, and get a massage every day, plan to hang out and relax at the hotel. Can it be said that it sounds a bit boring?

But these days, I walk more than 20,000 steps a day for the first time in a long time, while traveling in Japan, I think I thought

‘Ah.. I miss Da Nang??’ Yeah! Yes.

I go often and get used to it so I know, I really like Da Nang.

This is the Danang shopping list with an affordable price.

A tourist destination that is not expensive even if you travel by rental car or Grab taxi.

Da Nang is a city worth living in Vietnam. The prices here are quite affordable, whether for dining, coffee, or shopping. So it’s interesting that you can comfortably consume while traveling. This is really cool.

Madame Hong Danang

Regarding the Han market shopping list, I think I have introduced it quite a few times. But it’s been a long time since I posted about shopping at Lotte Mart Danang. It is said that many Korean tourists have a must-have shopping list. I often visit many places that are a bit obscure and there are a lot of products that are not worth buying so I don’t think it is a place I necessarily visit every time I go.

I don’t recommend going to Lotte Mart from the city, but since it’s a bit south of the city when you visit the Marble Mountains or come to Hoi An you can stop by here. My shopping list in Da Nang mainly includes popular Vietnamese souvenirs with images below for your reference.

Here is this shopping list, based on my 10 trips to Da Nang. This is an opinion based on personal experience so please refer to it only.

First of all, what I want to introduce here is beer and snacks eaten at restaurants in the evening, especially durian. Mango, apple mango can be bought cheaply at the market but it will be difficult to find durian because they do not sell often. In particular, there are not many places that sell ready-to-eat durian, so if you like, you should buy peeled and packaged durian at Lotte Mart.

Buying Vietnamese vermicelli as a gift or eating it at home is also a good choice. There are many varieties of ramen and rice noodles, but the most famous is the purple one below! Best of all, the price is only about 380 won in Korean currency. It’s so cheap that if you’re curious, don’t worry and just add it to your cart. (Not much.. just a little ^^)

It’s a bit heavy but if you have space in your luggage, try bringing some chili sauce. It’s cheap and delicious so it’s widely used in Korea.

Next up is the Jerry Cheese Biscuit. I like the taste of frozen cheese, so I sometimes buy it, buy it for my friend and she also loves it. The price is about 2,500 won.

Coconut Cappuccino, which I buy a lot for gifts, costs about 3,000 won, delicious and not expensive, but too sweet for me… Personally, I don’t like it. This is suitable for people who like sweets.

Dali and Colgate toothpaste are also on my shopping list in Da Nang. I buy a lot. Unlike other toothpastes, there is a lot of controversy about harmful ingredients so it’s best to check carefully before buying.

You can buy cashews when shopping in Da Nang, but I recommend you buy them at Bubu Shop opposite Da Nang’s Pink Church, which I will introduce below, instead of at Lotte Mart. The price is almost the same but the taste is completely different. I absolutely love Bubu Shop’s cashew nuts, so I can’t eat them anywhere else.

G7 coffee, which used to be at the top of my shopping list in Vietnam, is no longer there. To be honest, it wasn’t delicious at all.

It is true that Lotte Mart Da Nang is clean and has many things to do so shopping is very good, but the problem is that there are not too many products written in Korean. After traveling to Vietnam, I gave it to a friend and it just said… coconut cake written in Korean. I don’t know what to do. haha

I know that Konsak coffee, also known as weasel coffee, is very expensive but costs about 7,000 to 8,000 won at Lotte Mart in Da Nang. If it’s the real thing, it seems to be a great product, but I’m a bit skeptical so I’m not sure. To be honest, I haven’t tried it yet so I’m not sure, but I think next time I’ll have to buy it at least once.

On the other hand, weasel coffee has an expensive price, more than 100,000 won. Looking at this price point, I realize I can’t afford the bad Konsak coffee back home anymore. Too expensive is a problem, too cheap is also a problem.

Lotte Mart in Da Nang has a very large honey counter, so buying it as a gift will be great.

But there are also products with Korean characters on them. How would you feel if you received a sweet gift written in Korean from an acquaintance who had been to Vietnam?

There is also a corner selling rattan products and dresses, I recommend buying Madame Hong’s bamboo and rattan products introduced below and dresses at Han Market. The quality and designs are quite good and numerous.

Bubu Shop is opposite the Pink Church. Perhaps no one comes to Da Nang without going to the Pink Church at least once. It’s about a 3-4 minute walk from Han Market, so you can visit and shop according to the route below.

Han Market

Madame Hong Shop (1 min walk)

Pink Church Da Nang (2-3 minutes away)

Bubu Shop (opposite the church)

Bubu Shop is where I shop every time I come to Da Nang, Vietnam for several years now.

I have bought a lot of things for myself and my family to eat, and sometimes I also buy Noni juice and other items as gifts for my parents, and I have never been disappointed. At first, I bought a lot of things here and there, but in conclusion, Bubu Shop is the best shopping place in Da Nang!

Not only do I love this place, but if you look at the Google ratings, you can tell how much this place is loved by many people. There are 375 reviews and a rating of 5.0! Honestly, I don’t think I’ve seen a rating like this before, I was just looking around and was pleasantly surprised when I stumbled across this place!

I think everyone recognizes good shopping places.

Now I would like to introduce to you a list of good products to buy at Bubu Shop. I recommend this product based on what I have tried and used for many years, but it is a personal opinion, so I think it would be better to use it as a reference. 

My #1 dish is Cashews and Macadamias.

I have tried many products from many places but have not found any product as nutritious as the cashews here. Small size so can be used as a gift!

The second product I especially recommend is the dried pineapple and dried mango products. You can easily find this product from Lotte Mart anywhere, but did you know that it contains a lot of coloring, sugar, and preservatives? But at Bubu Shop I can feed myself and my children anything. The products here are colorless, sugar-free, and preservative-free, so you can eat with peace of mind. However, the shelf life may be shorter than regular supermarket products, so you can try before buying.

You will especially love the pineapple!

Coconut biscuits are the perfect choice when you need to buy in bulk for your colleagues. The price is only 25,000 VND (about 1,250 won). It is cheap but very fragrant and delicious so everyone will love it the most. This is one of those things I always buy several bags of. I think Noni fruit extract can be used as a gift for parents!

I often travel without luggage so I can’t buy it often, but because my mother likes it, every time I go home, I buy her a few bottles. Some products come with gift sets of soap or tea, which make great gifts.

Delicious dried coconut, beautifully packaged, so I recommend it! Cinnamon tea is both beautiful and delicious, but I’m the type of person who doesn’t use it much so I’ll skip it~

Since I’m in Vietnam, coffee is a great gift~ I recommend this coffee instead of the usual weasel coffee. It’s great to receive a lovely coffee phin as a gift~ If you don’t drink coffee, Detox tea or Hibiscus tea are also great gifts.

Bubu Shop mainly sells food but they also sell rattan bags and small souvenirs on one side of the store. However, there are many rattan and other bags in nearby Madame Hong, so you can go there and take a closer look. Since it’s the same company, everything available here is available at Madame Hong.

However, outstanding products are still displayed at Bubu Shop. I heard it by accident haha…

There are many shops selling handbags in and around the Han market, but just looking at it, Bubu Shop products are on a completely different level in terms of both design and quality. There are also rattan bags as shown above. Here there is a very different design.

I don’t have a photo of when I opened it but this is the product I bought that day. You can shop comfortably, without anything making your luggage too heavy. I remember buying mainly cashew nuts and coconut biscuit~

Madame Hong

Next is Madame Hong’s store. It’s a place I always want to buy something every time I visit. The location is 1 minute’s walk from Han Market in the direction of the Pink Church.

As mentioned above

Han Market – Madam Hong – Pink Church – Bubu Shop

This is the roadmap you can refer to in this article.

Every time I go I buy things so this time I plan not to buy. But I walked in and thought I’d just take a look. There’s a new product coming out that I’ve never seen before. It actually looks really nice when you look at it. But looking at the price, I can’t help but buy it haha.

There are many types of bags made from many different materials, including rattan bags. That’s the most. Most of them are made of lightweight materials. Perfect to take with you when traveling. You can make your bag even more special by decorating it with a scarf or a smiley strap.

Anyone who has ever been to Da Nang will clearly see this. When you walk by, you will see almost identical dresses. I see a lot of Korean women wearing similar bags and hats.

Well… if I had a daughter, or if I were smaller, there would be so many cute bags that I would buy right away.

I bought this bag, it’s not cute but it’s light and nice to fit my laptop and camera. I’m wondering between two colors, but both the staff and my younger brother who came with me said that purple suits me better. So I bought purple!

But the combination of blue and pink is so beautiful that I can’t pass up this one. (I said next time I’ll buy blue~)

But isn’t this beautiful too? I don’t have a bag like this so next time I will buy this!

There are plenty of handbags and blouses that would look great worn with a one-piece dress. Last time I came here to buy a robe and I seem to have posted a review about how I wear it when I go to Saipan, but it’s different from Han Market products haha.

Shopping can be really fun because you can make a bag even more special by choosing accessories and attaching them to the bag.

A very nice bracelet to wear in Southeast Asia is also an affordable buy, so I bought a couple of bracelets with my little brother to go with.

We bought this and were so happy haha.

Currently, buying at Lotte Mart, Madame Hong, and Bubu Shop in Da Nang is fine. I have compiled a shopping list for Da Nang. The most worth buying things at Han market are ao dai, Crocs shoes and light dresses to wear when traveling. (I’ve been buying Crocs for 4 months and am very satisfied)

Lotte Mart is suitable for buying beer, snacks, and fruit, while for food to buy as souvenirs in Vietnam, bags, accessories, etc. can be purchased at Madam Hong.

I think I can roughly sum it up like that. Now then… everyone, enjoy your shopping~

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#Vietnam Da Nang #Da Nang Shopping #Da Nang shopping list #Danang Lotte Mart #Da Nang Lotte Mart Shopping List #Da Nang pink Cathedral #Da Nang Bubu Shop #Da Nang madame Hong