Instagramer: dlawlguss

Day 2

I went to the Danang Bubu Shop right across the Pink church.

The store is cool and the staff is very friendly!!

There are a variety of processed products grown in Vietnam: Mango, Pineapple, Detox Tea, Cashew Nut, etc.

The fun of struggling while tasting one by one!

The packaging is also luxurious, so it’s perfect for gifts.

Taste cashew nuts are no wonder and completely delicious.

I saw a lot of dried mango, but the first time I saw a dried pineapple  ~

I had to stop here to buy gifts before returning on the last day.

I remember, the store can also ship to Korea!!

#Darang #Darang Journey #Darang Free Journey #Darang University #Da Nang Shopping List #Da Nang Taste # Da Nang Gift #Putbook # Da Nang Souvenir #Travel Stagram #Travel # Daily # Okay # Sail # Right

















